
Badam Halwa

Wishing you all A very Happy New year,2014 brings you all health,wealth and happiness.Today I start the new year with a sweet post,Badam halwa a simple dessert/sweet.Making badam halwa is very easy but the peeling almonds needs some extra time that's the reason I kept postponing.But its worth it for the taste and finally made it with my son's help for peeling.As I was in a hurry I couldn't take the stepwise properly will update it soon and pictures also didn't come out good as I expected due to poor lighting.Lets get into the recipe........

Basic Information

Soaking time ~ 2 hours
Preparation Time ~ 30 minutes
Cooking Time ~ 20 -25 minutes
Makes `11/4cups


Almonds/badam1/2 cup
Sugar/sakkarai1/2 cup+1tbs
Full cream milk/whole milk1/4-1/3cup
Cardamom powder/ellakai1/2tsp
Saffron/kungumapoofew strands
Yellow food colora pinch(optional)


  • Soak the almond in water for 2 hours and peel the skin.put the peeled almonds in a blender and grind along with milk to a bit coarse paste(fine rava consistency).Soak the saffron threads in a tbs of milk and set it aside.
  • Heat a pan with 2bs of ghee and add the almond paste,then add the sugar and mix it well.cook it in a medium flame for 5 minutes,now add the saffron mixture and stir it well.
  • Add the remaining ghee and food color,mix it well and stir it continuously till it leaves the sides of the pan.Finally add the cardamom powder and put off the flame,mix it well.
  • Delicious and mouthwatering Badam halwa is ready.


  • Adding food color is purely optional but it gives a nice look to the halwa.
  • After it reaches the consistency remove it from the heat.
  • When it is warm it may be slightly watery but after cooling the halwa will be in the correct consistency.
  • Do not grind the almonds to a very fine paste.
  • While cooking the mixture splutters so be careful and once it is nearing to the consistency the spluttering reduces,its a sign.
  • If you feel the mixture is sticky the add some ghee.
  • You can wrap single serving of halwa in a butter paper and keep it
  • Soak the almonds in hot water if you want it get it done right away.


  1. yummy halwa. Wish you a happy new year dear.

  2. Happy New year Nalini!! Halwa looks so rich and delicious..

  3. Very tempting.. have you tried cashews inplace of badam? they also taste good. I tried once and it was awesome. All the pictures are nice nalini. Happy New year to you n family.

  4. Beautiful and my favourite halwa :) looks so tempting love the colors in this click dear

  5. superb tempting halwa aks... But never tasted badam halwa... its inviting me...;)
