
Vanilla Ice-cream /Eggless Vanilla Ice-cream

Who doesn't love ice cream?Ice cream is almost everyone favorite and especially vanilla flavor is the most.
Myself and my hubby are not exceptional,we like ice-cream any time of a day,it doesn't matter if it rains or snows and day or night.
This basic vanilla ice cream tastes as such delicious but its a real treat when it is served with a brownie,mixed along with some fruits or sandwiched between cookies.The options are endless.
This ice cream is an eggless version and no ice cream maker need only with 3 ingredients.Yes only with 3 ingredients,heavy cream,condensed milk and vanilla extract.
I make this ice cream often but never get a chance to click and post it in blog,but finally got a chance to post this ice cream for the dessert theme in Blogging Marathon#35.Off to the recipe.....................................

Basic Information

Preparation Time ~ 15 minutes
Freezing time ~ 6-8 hours
Serves ~ 10 (generously)


Heavy Cream21/2cups
Sweetened condensed milk1 can(396gm/14 oz)
Vanilla Extract11/2tsp

  • Pour the whipping cream in wide mouth bowl and beat it with a hand blender or electric blender it till reaches stiff peak consistency.
  • Now add in the condensed milk and fold in,add the vanilla extract and mix it well.
  • Make sure everything is mixed properly and transfer it to container with lid.
  • Cover the top of the mixture with a plastic wrap or cling wrap to prevent forming the ice crystals from the water droplets.
  • Freeze it for 3-4 hours.Now take it out from the freezer and mix it well with a spatula.  
  • Freeze it again for at least 6-8 hours.

Top with fruits or chocolate syrup or nuts and serve.

  • Here I didn't use any extra sugar and the sweetness was enough,if you want it mild you can increase the amount of cream to 3 cups.

Check out the fellow bloggers participating in Blogging Marathon #35.


  1. Nalini, its unfair you post something like that and I can't have it..the ice cream looks so sinful and delicious!

  2. wow... the icecream looks really smooth, like store bought!!!!

  3. semma drooling clicks aks... Superb tasting...

  4. I tried with mango later i never tried. thats super presentation also tempting to try !

  5. We love vanilla icecream! This is a very easy and interesting way to make the ice cream. Bookmarking the recipe.

  6. always a treat I can have at any time

  7. Ice-cream looks creamy and rich!

  8. Quick & easy ice cream with just 3 ingredients.. Looks so yummy!!

  9. Drooooooooooooooooling over the clicks. Will try it out soon.

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