
Strawberry Jam Turnovers/Jam Filled Turnover

Entering the 61th edition of Blogging Marathon with Baked Snacks.I was thinking of doing some cookies for the theme.But my son came up with the idea of turnover which he had it in one of his friend's place.This turnover has been in my to do list since long time.So made it with the strawberry jam,as I wanted to make it simple.Puff pastry sheets can be used to make,but here I made the outer crust.The method of making outer crust is so simple and takes just 30 minutes,it came out so flaky and crispy.So try it with the homemade crust and also the edges needs to be sealed properly to avoid the jam not to ooze out.Couple of turnovers were not sealed properly and some of the jam came out,so make sure you sealed the edges.Lets move on to the recipe.....................

                                                                 Strawberry JamTurnover/Jam filled Turnover

   Basic Information

   Preparation time ~ 30 minutes
   Cooking time ~ 20 -22 minutes
   Makes ~ 8



All purpose flour/Maida
1.5 cups
Cold Butter/vennai
1/2 cup(1 stick)
3/4 tsp
Baking Powder
1/4 tsp
2-3 tbs
Jam(any variety)
1/2 cup
Milk (for brushing)
2 tbs
All purpose flour(for dusting)
2-3 tbs


  • Take the butter from the freezer and let it be outside for 10-15 minutes.Now slice the butter to 1/2 inch pieces.
  • Take the all purpose flour,baking powder and salt in a bowl.Mix it well.Now to this add the cut butter and mix it gently with the finger tips.The mixture will be crumbly,now slowly add a tbs of water at a time and mix it.No need to mix it to a soft dough.Transfer the dough to a work surface and gently mix it.

  •  Dust some flour on the surface and slightly roll the dough to a 8'X 10' rectangle.Fold the left side of the shorter side to half way through the middle.Fold it same way to the other side.Keep it in the refrigerator for 10-12 minutes

  • Now take the folded dough and roll it gently to a rectangle and fold it in the same way.Refrigerate it for another 10-15 minutes.Now take out the dough and roll it to a 1/4 inch thick sheet.Cut the sheet to 8 squares.

  • Keep 2 tsp of jam in each of the square.Brush the ends with milk and fold it diagonally.Press the edges and seal it.With the fork press the sealed edges to get a nice decorative pattern.Make a slit on the top of the turnover.Place it on a lined baking tray,brush it with milk.Pre heat the oven at 400 F and bake it for 20- 22 minutes or until  golden brown.Cool it on a wire rack.

  • Dust it with some powdered sugar and serve.

  • The butter should be cold.
  • Seal the edges properly.
  • Instead of milk wash,beaten egg can be used.
  • Do not knead the dough to soft.


Check out the blogging marathon page for the other bloggers participating in BM#61.


  1. Oh wow! This is so tempting and the possibility of the fillings are endless. Love your homemade pastry sheets.

  2. Crust has come out flaky, just like it would with store bought pastry sheet. Kids must have enjoyed this decadent bake.

  3. The crust looks lovely - baked to perfection.

  4. Youu have made the pastry at home , awesome.It looks perfect just like store bought.Love those turnovers.

  5. excellent Nalini, beautiful set up and wow what clicks..totally stunned !

  6. The pastry has turned out perfect. Love your last click so much..

  7. Nalini, you surely have us drooling all over your pictures..what a stunning click and hats off to your son for suggesting this dish..

  8. So cool.. jams puffs are amazing. Love the clicks

  9. Omg, you made your pastry from the scratch, wow thats seriously tremendous. Turnovers looks fantastic.

  10. These have been on my to-do list forever. Love these deliciois turnovers!

  11. You make making homemade puff pastry look so easy. Love how flaky and tender the crust came out. Filling them with jam is such a yummy idea. Amazing clicks.

  12. these look awesome - would love to dig in with a cup of tea

  13. The pictures are very tempting. Cool idea to fill with strawberry jam.
