
Ennai Parotta and Empty Salna - Virudhunagar Special

Choosing a Tamilnadu dish for some of the alphabets are bit difficult.One such is E,I was clueless except elumichai(lemon) and elu kai(7 vegetable s) kottu.
So decided to make the Elu kari kottu but some of the veggies used to make the kottu are not available here.
After browsing a lot,came to make this ennai(oil) parota.Ennai parrota is a kind of deep fried parotta whereas oil used for frying.This parota is often called poricha parota in some places.
I make parottas once in a while at home but never fried it.Since its deep fried parotta it is dunked in a slightly watery salna(gravy) prepared with chicken,egg or veggies.
But here I made a plain salna aka empty salna to accompany the parotta,also the word Empty can fit to the alphabet of the day.As there is no meat or veggies used,its named as Empty Salna.These parotta are quite popular in Virudhunagar area.Off to the recipe........

                                                                    Ennai Parotta

   Basic Information

   Preparation time ~ 30 minutes
   Resting time ~30-45 minutes
   Cooking time ~ 20 -25 minutes
   Makes ~ 5-6 


All purpose flour/maida
2 cups
1 tsp
2 tbs(for kneading)
for frying 

  • In a bowl take the all purpose flour and salt.Make a well on the flour and add the oil.Mix it well,now slowly add the water and knead it to a soft dough.Knead it well for 3-4 minutes.
  • Divide the dough into six equal portions and apply a tbs of oil and cover it with a damp cloth.Let it rest for 30-45 minutes.After resting take one portion of dough and using a rolling pin,spread it to a thin sheet.Apply a tsp of oil,now roll from one side like a pleat.
  • After rolling it will be like a rope,swirl it from one  end to make a circle as shown.Now grease the palms and slightly press it and form a 4-5 inch circle.
  • Heat  oil in a pan or dosa griddle,once it becomes hot drop the flattened dough into the oil.Cook it for couple of minutes in a medium flame,flip it to the other side and cook it till both the sides turn golden.Remove it from the oil and drain it a on a paper towel  .

  •  Serve it with Salna


  • While frying the parottas oil needs to be in a medium flame..
  • The parotta tastes better when it is served warm.

                                                                 Empty Salna/Plain Salna

   Basic Information

   Preparation time ~ 15 minutes
   Cooking time ~ 35-40 minutes
   Serves ~ 3



Onion/ vengayam(finely chopped)
2 (medium size)
Ginger&garlic paste
1 tbs
Tomato(finely chopped)
2(medium size)
Red chilly powder/milagai podi
1.5-2 tsp
Coriander powder/dhaniya podi
1 tbs
Turmeric powder/manjal podi
1/4 tsp
Garam masala powder
1/4 tsp
Mint leaves/pudina
12-15 leaves(finely chopped)
Green chilly/pachamilagi
3 (slit lengthy)
Curry leaves/karivepillai
few leaves
Coriander leaves
1 tbs(finely chopped)
1.25 tsp
2 tbs

   For the tempering

Fennel seeds/sombhu
1/4 tsp
1 inch
Black stone flower/kalpaasi
Bay leaf
Star anise
2 petals
  Grind to a fine paste

Fennel seeds/sombhu
1/4 tsp
3 -4 tbs
Roasted gram dhal/pootukadalai
1 tsp
Cashews/mundiri (optional)


  • Grind the given ingredients to a fine paste and keep it aside.Heat the oil in a pan and do the tempering with the given ingredients.Add the chopped onion and green chilly,mint leaves,curry leaves along with a pinch of salt.Saute it till transparent,add in the ginger&garlic paste and fry it util the raw smell disappears..Add in the chopped tomato and cook it until mushy.Add in all the spice powders and salt,give it a mix.
  • Add around 2 cups of water and cook it for 5 minutes,let it simmer for another 2 minutes.At this stage add the coconut paste and let it boil for 5 minutes or raw smell goes off.Add in  the chopped coriander leaves and put off the flame.

  • Serve it with parotta.


    Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 63


    1. This parotta is in my to do list for long but I keep on postponing as it is deep fried. This is a delicious combo from Virudhunagar..

    2. Parotta and salna... I have always wanted to have it in the roadside stall.. But could not as it was mostly non veg.. Should try this soon.. Bookmarked!

    3. We enjoyed it so much when I made it...I even deep fried like a rhyming dishes..all the pictures are fabulous Nalini..

    4. Beautiful pictures and beautiful styling. Ennai parotaa and empty salna are mouthwatering. Would not mind eating it right away for my breakfast.

    5. Beautifully plated . Both the paratha and curry look and sound super delicious . Awesome !

    6. Coming from tirunelveli am always in love with this dish

    7. I found a almost same recipe in Bengali cuisine called dhaka paratha I think... That look so flaky nice recipe Nalini..

    8. Nalini, both your E dishes look so amazing, I wish I could get that plate now for lunch :-)
      Fried parotta looks crispy and flaky. Empty salna (did you make up the name or is it called empty salna) is an awesome name for the dish. I think it will go well with pulao or biryani too. Bookmarked to try.

    9. Love the name.. empty salna. The thalluvandi style ones doesnt have anything and empty only.. nicely done

    10. Lovely recipe. Parotta has been on my to-do list, but as Gayathri said, frying is what is keeping me away from it. Now I am tempted to make it all over again :)

    11. Omg that is one gorgeous parotta.I am sure it would have tasted fabulous with the salna.Love the clicks,styling and composition.

    12. The combo sounds fabulous, Nalini. That parotta looks beautifully flaky.

    13. Nalini, I am literally drooling. I am so going to make it and forget about the calories that goes into it. Love the recipe for empty salna. Will come in very handy on days when the refrigerator is empty.

    14. never had both parotta and salna... they look simply enticing ... well done !

    15. Fell in love with both Parotta and Salna Nalini, the similar Parotta I make has a long resting time. I'm sure giving this combo a try next time:)

    16. Omg, this ennai parotta and salna makes me hungry Nalini, just finished my dinner but still your clicks makes me drool, how crispy those parottas are,loving it.

    17. I can never imagine making this at home!! it's one of those true restaurant dishes for me :-). It's a wonderful combination of flavors.

    18. Wonderful combo- a match made in heaven! I have bookmarked the salna recipe.Need to try this...

    19. anything fried always tastes better - must be delicious

    20. Nalini super po! ! Nailed it with the name !! Parota and salna seme combo!! board backdrop is even more mesmerising

    21. Wow nice crispy parottas. Loved the clicks...

    22. Mouth watering.Awesome clicks. Bookmarking this too

    23. You describe it well. I'm glad you wrote this in the forum.

    24. Post pictures r blocked madam ,without seeing the post we cannot decide

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