
Honey Drizzled Rubix Cube Fruit Salad

Coming to day 2 recipe,themed under checker board recipes is an interesting fruit salad.When I was going through some checker board recipes for the theme,this salad caught my attention.
For this fruit salad all you need is some fruits cubes and creativity to arrange it.Though the salad sounds simple,cutting the fruits into even sized cubes is a difficult task.Here I used watermelon,honey dew melon and some mango cubes.Also I drizzled the salad with some honey for an added taste.

                                       Honey drizzled Rubix Cube Fruit Salad

   Basic Information

   Preparation time ~ 20 minutes
   Makes ~ 1(3 x 3 cube)


Watermelon (cubes)
as needed
Honey dew melon(cubes)
as needed
Mango (cubes)
as needed
Honey2 tsp

  • Peel the skin of watermelon,honey dew melon and mango.Chop the fruits into even sized cubes.
  •  Arrange it on a plate,like a rubix cube pattern.Refrigerate until serving.Drizzle it with some honey or agave nectar and serve it immediately.


Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#66.


  1. Honey must have enhanced the taste of beautifully arranged colourful salad

  2. Those pics are out of the world. Very lovely clicks!!! I feel like having those photos in my desktop to motivate me :)

  3. Beautiful pictures and a lovely one!

  4. Too refreshing and very pretty looking rubic cube fruit salad. Stunning clicks there.

  5. Wow beautiful salad. I love the way you have made it.

  6. Such a fancy fruit salad, presented so well! Loved the shot with the honey drizzle!

  7. What a colorful and inviting fruit salad Nalini. Looks sooo tempting.

  8. Lovely presentation and fits the checker board theme as well!!

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