
Neer Dose / Neer Dosa

Today's recipe for instant dosa in Cooking Carnival is a lacy,soft dosa called Neer dosa.
Neer dosa is a popular coastal Karnataka dosa,served with chutney and some non-veg curries.Also it's served with fresh grated coconut and jaggery.

Neer means water in Kannada,a thin,watery batter is used to make this dosa,so called Neer dosa.
Traditionally neer dosa is prepared using iron skillet and needs some practice.The batter consistency is so important to get a perfect neer dosa.This dosa is so soft even after cooling and I served mine with a simple tomato kurma.

                                                      Neer Dose/Neer Dosa

   Basic Information

   Preparation time ~ 20 minutes
   Soaking time ~ 10 minutes
   Cooking time ~ 3-4 minutes/dosa
   Makes ~ 6-7  dosas



Raw rice or pacharisi or
any short grain rice
1.25 cups
Grated coconut/thengai
1/4 cup
3/4 tsp
2 tsp


  • Soak the rice in water for 2 hours.After soaking drain the water completely and grind it along with grated coconut and salt to a fine paste.
  • Transfer the ground paste to a bowl and add water to adjust the consistency.The consistency should be like buttermilk.Heat a griddle and once it becomes hot,reduce the heat and poor a ladle full of batter from outside to inside  like rava dosa.Or pour some batter and swirl the griddle.
  • Fill the gaps and increase the flame to high.Cook it covered for a minute.
  • Once its cooked properly the dosa leaves the side of the pan as shown. Fold it and remove it from the griddle.

  • Serve it with chutney of your choice or any veg or non-veg curry.

  • Mix the batter every time as it tends to settle in the bottom.
  • The batter can be stored in the refrigerator for a day.
  • The batter consistency is so important to get a perfect dosa,so do a trial,then adjust the consistency.
  • Cook the dosa in a high flame and it takes less than a minute to cook.


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  1. Wow! the contrast of white dosa and the black plate looks stunning!

  2. This has been on my to do list for some time.

  3. We make a slightly different version which turns out crispy. And it is called as thideer dosai. Your soft dosas look amazing..

  4. I cannot believe one can make so many dosas..I have heard about the Neer Dosa but have yet to looks so good..just the kind my hubby would love to eat.

  5. Dunno why i never had a chance to make this dosa at home, now you are pulling me to make some soon. Prefect looking neer dosa.

  6. lovely dosa. I m yet to try these.. amazing set up. White and black wow.

  7. U can set up a dosa plaza Nalini ! The fluffy Neer dosa has come out so well :)! But surely a pro!!!

  8. Love the amazing white color of the dosai. Amma makes this quite often, but I don't. I will make it sometime this week :)

  9. On my to-do list! LOved the way you explained each step. However, I have a silly doubt, do we have to cook it on one side only? Bookmarked this.

    1. Hi Sruti,

      No need to flip the dosa,asthe dosa is covered and cooked.Moreover the batter is so thin so it cooks very fast.

    2. Hi Sruti,

      No need to flip the dosa,asthe dosa is covered and cooked.Moreover the batter is so thin so it cooks very fast.

  10. You will want to hide that plate I want it.:D I cannot make neer dosa and I ma from Karnataka. Will try out your recipe now.

  11. Amazing clicks Nalini. Neer dosas look awesome.

  12. What a soft looking dosa there!! wanna taste it rite now :)

  13. I had neer dosa few days back at a friend's house and totally loved it.Looks so soft and yummy.

  14. Such a pretty picture nalini, the while dosa to that dark background is so beautiful!!
    This dosa is one which i have never tried, inspite of seeing it so much everywhere!! Looks so soft and that tomato kurma must be a yumm pair for this simple dosa!!!

  15. I love the composition of your picture, excellent imagination!..
