
Butterflake Rolls

Butterflake rolls are soft rolls where butter is applied in between the layers and bake it in a muffin tray.These rolls are so soft and buttery with a rich taste.
The shaping of the rolls can be done in 2 ways either you can make strips out of the dough or make slits on top of the rolled dough.I tried the later version and it came out so good with a cute shape.I made these rolls with plain butter but flavored butter such as garlic,coriander or any other flavor can also be made.Off to the recipe.....................

                                         Butterflake Rolls

   Basic Information

   Recipe Source ~ Karenskitchenstories
   Preparation time ~ 20-25 minutes
   Proofing time ~ 2 hours
   Cooking time ~ 25-30 minutes
   Makes ~ 6-7


Bread Flour or maida
1.5 cups+1 tbs
for dusting
Instant yeast
1 tsp
2 tbs
1 tbs
1.25 tsp
Luke warm milk 
3/4 cup+2 tbs for
Melted Butter/vennai
3 tbs (for brushing)

  • Take all purpose flour,instant yeast,salt,oil and sugar in a bowl.To this add the lukewarm milk and mix it to a slightly sticky dough. On a floured surface knead the dough for at least 7-8 minutes till it becomes smooth.If you are using a stand mixer,knead in a low speed for 3-4 minutes.Cover it with a damp cloth and keep it in a warm place for raise for an hour.
  •  After 1-1.5 hours the dough would have doubled.Punch down the dough and flatten the dough.Divide the dough into 6 -7 equal portions and keep the roll in a greased muffin tray.Keep each roll in each cavity of the muffin tray.
  •  Now with the help of scissors make 4-5 cuts on the rolled dough.Make sure not to cut until the bottom.Brush each layer with the melted butter.
  •  Keep the buttered rolls in a warm place for 30 minutes for the second raise. Before 10 minutes of the second raise preheat the oven at 400 F.Brush the rolls with  butter if needed.Bake it for 20 minutes or till the roll turned golden in the preheated oven.Remove it carefully from the tray and cool it on a wire rack.
  • Serve it warm.

  • Instead of bread flour,whole wheat flour or all purpose can also be used.
  • If you want the roll to be on the sweeter side you can use up to 3 tbs of sugar.
  • Grease the muffin tray with oil or butter.
  • Make 5-6  cuts on the top of the rolled dough.


This is part of the Bake-a-thon 2016


  1. Wow, this butterflake rolls sounds too good, i dont mind having these buttery rolls for my breakfast.

  2. The rolls sound and look amazing. Just fell in love with them.

  3. Rolls look flaky and must have tasted amazing

  4. Very inviting rolls they are Nalini.

  5. Simply stunning!...I want to grab them right away..

  6. Simple rolls and beautiful shape, love the slits on top, gives a beautiful shape the rolls!!

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  10. Thank you for sharing recipe of butterflake rolls. This remembers my training in baking institute in Chennai.

  11. Your butterflake roll looks yummy. Your Nalini's kitchen makes me to learn and bake cakes with the help of baking classes in Chennai.
