
Eggless Fruit and Nuts Cake/Fruit and Nuts Snack Cake

For this week Bake-A-Thon,I am sharing a simple,eggless snack cake with nuts and tutty frutty.I have already shared a version of tutty frutty cake.But this version I tried from Pavani's blog,which I have bookmarked last year.I made this cake couple of times after she shared in it the blog but I never get a chance to click the pictures.Finally I made the cake yesterday and clicked it for the blog.
In the original recipe oil is used but here I used both oil and butter,also used the brown sugar.This cake is a perfect for kids snack box or evening snack with a cup of tea or coffee.This cake doesn't need any special preparation and its so easy to make.Off to the recipe...........

                                   Eggless Fruit and Nut Snack Cake

   Basic Information

   Preparation time ~ 10 -12minutes
   Baking time ~ 35- 40 minutes
   Makes ~  2 (6"x 3") loaf or one (8"x 5")loaf


All purpose flour/maida
1.5 cup
1/4 cup or 4 tbs
Neutral Oil or olive oil
1/ cup
Brown or white sugar
3/4 cup
Sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup
Baking powder
1 tsp
Baking soda
1/8 tsp
1/8 tsp
Tutty Frutty
1/4 tsp
Chopped nuts(cashews and almonds)
1/4 - 1/2 cup
1 tsp
3/4 - 1 cup

  • Take all purpose flour,baking soda,powder and salt and mix it well.Sieve it for couple of times.Grease the baking pan with baking spray or oil and dust some flour.Keep it aside and preheat the oven in 350 F.
  • Now in a bowl take the butter,oil and sugar,, whisk in an electric hand blender or whisker until it becomes creamy and smooth.Add in the vanilla and sweetened condensed milk,mix it well.
  • Now to this mixture add in the 1/3 of the sieved flour and milk alternately and mix it well.Finally add the nuts and tutty frutty,fold it well.
  • Pour the batter in the greased pan.  Keep it in the preheated oven.Bake it for 35-40 minutes(mine took 39 minutes) or until a tooth pick comes out clean.Let it rest it for couple of minutes and invert the cake to a wire rack and allow it to cool completely.Slice it.
    • Store it in an air tight container.

    • The sweetness was just perfect with 3/ cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of condensed milk,if you want the cake to be on the sweeter side add around a cup of sugar.
    • Chop the nuts finely and add it.
    • Slice the cake once its completely cool down.

    This is part of the Bake-a-thon 2016


    1. Awesome bake.. Feel like grabbing some:)

    2. Gorgeous fruit and nuts cake, i dont bother to munch few slices anytime.

    3. Fruit and nut cake looks great and nice snack to munch on. Beautiful loaf of cakes.

    4. This is one of my favorite cakes too Nalini. Than you for the mention.

    5. Gorgeous nalini, awesome it is, the texture,and the clicks!!!

    6. Oh my it looks so beautiful Nalini..drooling over your pic..and I am going to bookmark for sure!

    7. It seems that I hear the aroma of vanilla. What a beautiful and bright cake. You are just a master of your business. I really love your blog.

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    13. Hi ! Can you pls check and confirm the amount of oil in the recipe… it’s mentioned 1 cup and butter too.

    14. What is tutty frutty? Thanks

    15. Yr recipe says 1/4 tsp tutty frutty, what is that?

    16. Doing decorations in cakes after baking is the most challenging part. It is about dealing with creams and frostings. Cake baking classes in Velachery There are specific piping techniques to decorate the cakes.

    17. Oil 1 cup??? Is it right??
