
Tomato Gotsu /Thakkali Gotsu

With lots of homegrown tomatoes,its  natural to make dishes with tomatoes.So made this simple yet finger licking tomato gotsu.

Tomato gotsu aka thakkali gotsu is a perfect accompaniment for fluffy idlys and it can be made in no time.

This gotsu is an instant version and doesn't need any prior preparation.In the original recipe the tomato is chopped and used.But I pureed it and used as my kid's don't like the tomato skin.

                                     Tomato Gotsu /Thakkali Gotsu

   Basic Information

   Preparation time ~ 10 minutes
   Cooking time ~ 15 minutes
   Serves ~ 2-3


Onion(finely chopped)
1(medium size)
4-5(medium size)
Green chilly/pacha milagai
5-6(slit lengthy)
Ginger&garlic paste
1 tsp (optional)
Turmeric powder/manjal podi
1/4 tsp
Red chilly powder/milagai podi
1/4 tsp
Gram flour/kadalamaavu
2 tsp
Curry leaves
few leaves
Coriander leaves(finely chopped)
as needed
1 tsp
2 tsp

 For the tempering

Mustard seeds/kadugu
1/2 tsp
Fennel seeds/sombu
1/2 tsp
1/2 inch piece
  • Puree the tomatoes and keep it aside.Mix the gram flour with 1/4 cup of water and set it aside.
  • Heat a pan with oil and do the tempering,add in the chopped onion,green chilly and curry leaves.Saute it till transparent.Now if you are using ginger&garlic paste add in and saute it for a minute.
  • Add in the pureed tomatoes and saute it for a minute.Now add 1.5 cups of water, red chilly powder,turmeric powder and salt.Let it boil until the raw smell disappears.At this stage add in the gram flour mixture.
  • Mix it well and let it boil for couple of minutes and stir in between as it tends to settle in the bottom.Put off the flame and sprinkle the chopped coriander leaves.
  •  Serve it  with idly or dosa.

  • The amount red chilly powder  and green chillies given here is for a medium version.
  • Instead of ginger&garlic paste,finely chopped ginger and garlic can be used.
  • After adding the gram flour mixture the gotsu tends to thicken,so adjust the consistency accordingly.



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  13. I perfectly accept with the earlier audience. I feel the an amazing determination and positive suggestions are great foundation to create high excellence content.

  14. This Tomato Gotsu recipe is a quick and flavorful dish, perfect for serving with idlys or dosas. I appreciate the clever use of tomato puree to suit kids' preferences.
